As I said previously, I want to write 'mom' stuff as I think, hear, read etc. about it so that it is a reminder to me. I in no means am writing this because I think I'm a pro at this, I'm just in the process of tyring to learn what I need to do as a mom to be the best I can be, so I need to get it out there so it sticks more for me.
When I set out to do something I want to give it my all, that's just the way God has wired me up. I try to do my best at what is at hand. I've been so blessed to be able to be a wife and mom, and they are my top priorities, so I better be knowledgeable and equipped to successfully give it my all. I have one chance to be the best I can be. It's not going to just come to me...I have to read, observe, learn, study and practice if I want to accomplish this. Wow, I guess this is more like journaling today.
So these are some things I'm focusing on for now in my role as a mommy
Nourishing-defined as, sustaining, supporting, feeding, fostering, cherishing, educating, training and rearing.
*Nurturing is essential
*Spending time together, taking time to nurish is far more important than accumulating 'things'
*I want to be available, approachable, and tuned in.
*We can't nurture from a distance
*Nurturing is built upon our availablity and our wise understanding of each of our children's personality and needs, not the things we provide for them.
*In order to build a strong house, we need to begin with a solid foundation.
*Cracks in the walls=faults in the foundation
*The nurturing we do as moms is what builds the foundation, it's not instantly measurable, but it has such critical importance.
*The foundation I lay for my children is far more important that anything else I can ever produce or purchase for my children.
*I want my babies to feel good about life and themselves. I will nurture their precious little hearts and spirits the best I can to always let them know they are loved and cared for.
*I will strive to help my children have a high self-esteem.
*They must feel loved and capable. I want them to believe they are worthwhile, have something to offer, and can handle what will be at hand in their lives.
Kelly, just wanted to know that I really enjoy reading your posts and respect how dedicated you are to your family! You provide a lot of inspiration, even for those of us who aren't quite mommies yet :)