Monday, May 16, 2011

A Heart Overflowing with Motherly Affection

Mike and I try to continually strengthen each other and make each other better people. Our conversations and topic of 'chat' has shifted in the last couple years. We now talk about what we want to instill in our children, what we want to model for them, that we want to lead by example etc.
We know that in order to make things happen, whatever might be the goal, that it will take effort, dedication, hard work, diligence, routine, and thoroughness. We try to practice these with our daily life with whatever task is at hand, and hope that our children gain these as well. That was kind of rambling, but this role as mother and father we take seriously, and we want to read and study and observe and put every ounce of effort into doing it the best we can!

So, what I was really going to write are about some highlights from a book that I LOVE and decided to revisit. As many of you know when I come across an inspiring book, or author, or speaker, I like share the knowledge I gain. The title of this chapter is 'A Heart Overflowing with Motherly Affection.' A Woman After God's Own Heart is the title by Elizabeth George.

There are 10 ways/points the author makes about motherly affection, so I'll recite a few (whatever time my babies allow me to have :) ).
1. A Heart that Prays-beginning each day by praying for your children benefits them in countless ways even as it draws them closer into your heart.
2. A Heart that Provides-giving motherly affection and graciously providing the necessities for your family. Food, clean clothing, a safe home, doing yet another load of laundry, cooking, creating schedules, caring for their physical needs and the list goes on. Doing all this with a heart filled with motherly love and affection puts self aside and allows you to love the people in your home and care for their needs.
3. A Heart that is Happy-When our children (and husbands of course, but this section is focusing on our kids) can count on us being happy, our home life and family relationships grow. When we greet our babies, pick them up from school, come in the door, whatever stage you might be at, they need to know that you will be predictably happy.  Psalm 113:9 "He makes the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children.' 

Maybe today try this... Put aside whatever could be preventing you from being a happy mommy to greet your children with a smile and show them that they're your priority. It goes back to putting others first, putting self aside and focusing on them. Let those small burdens or annoyances go and think about how you want your kids to remember the way mom made them feel.

Time to go, I hope to add the others as time goes on. I'm typing one-handed and it's taking too long. Savi has been sleeping in, but it's time to get her up. Say a prayer and greet her joyfully, predictably happy.

Have a blessed day.

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