Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Remaining 6 of Time Management

7. Ask the half time question. What shortcuts would I take if my life depended on doing the task in half the time?
8. Use a timer. Try to beat the clock.
9. Do the worst first. One of my favorites! Do the most dreaded task first, that way you'll keep that heavy cloud of dread from hanging over you all day.
10. Read daily on time management. 5 minutes a day will help to motivate you. Read these if you need to get started.
11. Say no. Make your schedule. Let it be Plan A. Try to follow your plan by saying no to yourself and others and sticking with Plan A.
12. Begin the night before. (LOVE this one too). Some of the things you can do the night before.
Plan the next day
Plan the next day's meals
Select, lay out, and prepare clothes
Clean up the kitchen
Run the dishwasher
Set the table for the next meal
Tidy up the house
Prepare lunches and meals
Defrost meat
Sort the wash and get a load going in the washer
Put things you need to take with you by the door (one of my favorites too)

All these little steps begin to snowball. You'll find energy and enthusiasm to keep moving. Slowly, but surely counts :)

Good, better, best, never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best!

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