Saturday, February 18, 2012

10 Months

Our little love is already 10 months!

I'd have to say this is probably one of his happiest places. This boy loves to eat, and eat it all! There is nothing he won't eat. He has been eating what we eat for the last couple months, and he always wants more. He is such a happy boy!

After church last Sunday we went to one of our favorite places. We went to our free animal field trip to PETCO.  My little teacher in training was giving Lucas a lesson and talking to him about the fish. They love animals, we are in there for about an hour. These are the things I just love doing with my babies.

This picture cracks me up. Savi is all about silly faces these days. They picked out some treats for Rock and thought it was so funny seeing him try to chew the bone. This is pretty typical that Luke either has no shirt on because he's gotten food or milk all over it, or no pants because they're wet. He keeps us laughing and is doing something new each week. He loves clapping and rolling when we sing pat-a-cake. He waves with his left arm straight out, and he is crawling everywhere. He is such a strong boy and loves pulling himself up on everything. Now when Savannah is on the couch with her 'cozy' blanket Luke will go over to her and try to pull it off and get up on the couch next to her. That's a funny one to watch. Oh, and he loves saying Dadadadada and patting your shoulder. He gets shy and buries his head down when we say it back to him. They are so much fun, we're loving seeing how different they are and embracing their little personalities. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Visiting Aunt Michelle at UCLA

Our little man.

Savi and Grandadddy. 

Savi was so intrigued with the divers and loving her Aunt Lyndsie time.

Look at the diver in the background. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mammoth with the Diersing Clan

Hangin at the Village. 
Savi's ready to go in the hot tub.

Love is...

Hanna had so much fun pushing Uncle Mike and Savi down the hill.

Lukey just hangin out with me.
Liana and Luke

We love our babies so much!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Some mommy notes...

My sister and I went to the mom conference again this year, and it was another weekend of amazing and wise women speaking. I have pages and pages of notes, but here is just a bit and I'll write more later.

Sally Clarkson's theme this year is being a 'Heart Shaped Mom.' 1 Timothy 1:5 reads, "But the goal of our instruction is to love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith."

~Great women take responsibility for themselves, for their growth is in the Lord.
~What is your legacy?
~You are who you're becoming.
~I can't give away to my precious babies what I don't possess myself.
~ We are to be God in our home.
~We are to reach our children's hearts.
~Love, be compassionate, serve and let your children see and know that about you.
~They're hearts are being shaped, ask thoughtful questions to know their heart.
~Keep your priorities straight.
~Right is always right even if you're the only one doing it, wrong is always wrong even if everyone is doing it.
~Encourage and uplift. Don't neglect to give words love.
~Be polite, serve, teach your children manners, teach them how to be considerate. Model this for them, they need to see you doing it!
~Cooperate with the personality God gave them.
~Be unto them as Jesus would be.
~You're their cheerleader.
~We are made to be people who respond.
~Don't make them think they'll never fall or fail. Teach them them how to work through the valleys.
~Give them a purpose. Give them inspiration and passion to live for God.
~Listening with patience opens up their heart.

Like I said, this is just a snap shot of what the weekend consisted of. So encouraging, enlightening, uplifting, and wise. I'll try to add more later...