Friday, February 10, 2012

Some mommy notes...

My sister and I went to the mom conference again this year, and it was another weekend of amazing and wise women speaking. I have pages and pages of notes, but here is just a bit and I'll write more later.

Sally Clarkson's theme this year is being a 'Heart Shaped Mom.' 1 Timothy 1:5 reads, "But the goal of our instruction is to love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith."

~Great women take responsibility for themselves, for their growth is in the Lord.
~What is your legacy?
~You are who you're becoming.
~I can't give away to my precious babies what I don't possess myself.
~ We are to be God in our home.
~We are to reach our children's hearts.
~Love, be compassionate, serve and let your children see and know that about you.
~They're hearts are being shaped, ask thoughtful questions to know their heart.
~Keep your priorities straight.
~Right is always right even if you're the only one doing it, wrong is always wrong even if everyone is doing it.
~Encourage and uplift. Don't neglect to give words love.
~Be polite, serve, teach your children manners, teach them how to be considerate. Model this for them, they need to see you doing it!
~Cooperate with the personality God gave them.
~Be unto them as Jesus would be.
~You're their cheerleader.
~We are made to be people who respond.
~Don't make them think they'll never fall or fail. Teach them them how to work through the valleys.
~Give them a purpose. Give them inspiration and passion to live for God.
~Listening with patience opens up their heart.

Like I said, this is just a snap shot of what the weekend consisted of. So encouraging, enlightening, uplifting, and wise. I'll try to add more later...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kel...I'm really interested in this conference. What is the name of it and when is it held? Would love to go next time/year. You'll have to let me know. Great words of advice!
