He now has 4 teeth-two top, two bottom.
He is such a happy boy and wants to go! If he could run right now he would. He walks along everything and will try to take steps and fall completely on his face, but gets right back up and keeps going.
Lucas' demeanor is quite happy. When he's hungry he let's us know, but for the most part he is such a smiley little love.
My favorite time is when I get him up in the morning or from a nap, he buries his head into his bed and gets all giddy, and of course all smiles. His new thing is he is standing and laughing when I come in.
He loves throwing his football and little plastic balls across the room-he's all boy.
He will eat any and everything that comes his way. Savannah breaks food up for him, and he loves it.
His words are dadda, dog, and yesterday, mama! It's just babble, but hey I'm counting it.
He points to the moon and his head. We are working on colors, so he doesn't have them down yet.
I love his smile, his interest in all that's going on, watching him watch Savannah and seeing him play rough with Mike.
I can't believe he will be one next month!